Thursday, June 25, 2009

invisible disabled

Funny term that, invisible disabled, however thanks to modern pharmaceuticals those with brain disorders, can more or less function. So what am I on about? Depression, not just being bummed out, this incestuous bit of brain dysfunction can really mess up your life. Going back to work after a lengthy time away, not because I was ready, the insurance company decided I was cured. Depression is chronic, it doesn't just go away. My own physician was not convinced, however without insurance covering my salary, what option was there?
The Canadian Government only covers people for total disability, not the difference in pay from a job you had and a job you can do. I work for the Canadian Government, and there is a requirement to accommodate when people return to work, however they don't seem to understand an invisible disability. The people that are put in charge of these programs, also know as champions, got to have a title, just don't seem to understand, and most of them are too busy just keeping up with other tasks to find time to become educated. HR should be dealing with this, correct, except someone came up with the idea of centralized HR, so there are none at most divisions, in fact I have no idea where the HR people actually live. Not that they were any help in the past.
Nothing happens fast in the government, everyone is scared to make a decision, thanks to the self serving politicians. So nothing happens.
But I digress. The number of people I now see showing signs of depression, yes I am now able to pick them out having been diagnosed and self educated, if I am going to have to deal with something I am going to learn about it to the smallest detail, is quite scary.
The sad thing being, most people don't even realize why they feel the way they do, they sort of become drones, living in a gray, sad world, trudging on day in day out.
Me, well i only attend my government day job three days a week, it is about all I can stand, I sleep the forth day, and for the next three I create.
For those suffering I am here to tell you all is not lost, I have managed to create two patentable products in the last three months, not that I can afford the cost of a patent, but that is another rant.
Feeling bummed out, can't sleep, no concentration, is your world sort of gray, GET HELP! Go see your doctor and talk. There is help in the way of modern drug therapy, and it works, you might also want to find someone you are comfortable talking with, verbalizing the challenges seems to make them smaller and easier to deal with.

Stay tuned, the story about the large insurance company and the disability insurance lip service will follow shortly...

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