Monday, July 27, 2009


The Politics of electricity.
So now the big push is for electric cars, seems like a good idea on the surface. Reduction of pollution, less dependence on off shore oil, a good thing by any thinking.
How long ago was it that we were being told to reduce electricity usage? The grid was going to melt down, and it did at one point. Had we known at the time all that was required was a global warming bad science scare and the electrical grid would be just fine, who knew.
Have I lost you here?
Think of it this way, peak usage time is when everyone gets home and turns on all their stuff. In the last several years more and more 'stuff' uses power even when it isn't actually turned on. No doubt usage has gone up. The biggest use is motor load, as in air conditioning and heating. When you get home you adjust the temperature to your comfort level.
What is going to happen when all these electric cars get home from the daily commute and get plugged in? Simple the grid load factor goes up, adding to everything else demanding power. Don't worry though, global warming fixed the grid.

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