Sunday, July 12, 2009

Go On, convince me...

The art of marketing, selling someone something they really don't need, by creating a need within a cultural group.
What am I on about today? Just listening to a radio advert for a hair restoration company. Seems if I have hair loss I also get confidence loss. Those I interact with will never take me seriously. I will never be able to meet beautiful and willing ladies in bars (not that that is an issue, been married over 30 years).
Seems as soon as the procedure is finished life will be well, god status re-established.
Do people really believe this crap? Of course they do. No wonder we are in the middle of a depression.
The TV is on in my shop as well, see I can multi-task with hair loss, just in case something in the automorive how to shows catches my attention.
I love these shows, every tool under the sun, all the cool parts, and lots of people to do the work off camera.
Today, there was a segment about plasma cutters and welders by one of the suppliers of what I consider to be very good products. A while back I did a pole on an off road forum, one of the really big ones, so as to get a good cross section of the international market.
The question was; would you buy something just because of some celebrity saying they used it?
The resounding answer was a big NO WAY. This can be extended to the how to show if you think about it for a second.
Off track again...
So how is the average home builder going to afford all those tools? simple answer is they are not going to be able to. Even if they could, from my experience people but what they see the others in their network or community using. When I needed a welder, I went out and asked others who were into the same hobby as I am what they had. I then asked some people who made their living as fabricates what they used and what to watch out for.
So why do these companies not understand this concept?
Story time. A while back I was looking for a plasma cutter that I could use on a CNC cutting table. My budget was rather small, but a company on one of the how to shows claimed to have an affordable system. 15k is not affordable, no matter how you cut it, gotta love puns.
Good news I now have a winter project, with a bit of research I discovered I could build a CNC Plasma Cutter table for less than 3k including a torch.
Now to figure out how to build a tube builder on the cheap??

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