Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh they are so screwed

Chrysler has just released news of who will be on the Board of Directors.
No a single car guy amongst them, lawyers and investment bankers, the only exception being a CEO of one of the Fiat divisions. Why does no one learn from recent history?
Investment bankers killed Chrysler the last time, and a new bunch get to try again. It's not about the company performance one quarter to the next, it's about building a car that's different and all about the car culture. lawyers? Say no more, ever met one that knew anything about the car culture?
Maybe this bunch and the fools that WILL get appointed at GM will finally acomplish what sky high insurance and a gas embargo could not do back in the early 70's, kill the car culture.
NOT LIKELY, not going to happen, no matter how hard they try to make vanilla, people will always change it into chocolate moose.
Just think how great the North American Auto Industry could be if they actually made something different? Like all the round aero looking look-alike cars actually save any gas due to their shape on the daily commute. Hard to save fuel when you are moving 20 mph when you are moving at all.
Ford got it right with a Mustang that actually looks like a Mustang. Dodge blew it big time the new thing, and I will not abuse the iconic name by calling it that, looks like a pickup from the front and the sides are way too tall. GM, guess what, they missed too, sales have been fair, but again, it just looks wrong.
If you are going to build a retro muscle car, make it look like one, or it's not retro. It is just more vanilla.
maybe I will keep my 55 Chevy Pickup, it at least looks different than all the other bla comutomobiles out there.

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